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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prom date or stag?

There are many different views on whether it is more enjoyable to go to prom alone to hangout with friends, or with a date. Hard decision? Well, they both have their pros and cons.

Going to prom alone has many benefits. As Amanda Lee says, “You have no obligations”. You don’t have to feel like you are tied down to one specific person. I mean, think about it. If you go to prom with a date, you can’t just ditch them and start dancing with someone else, can you? Of course not! Since you and your friends are comfortable with each other, you can dance freely without being too shy or feeling guilty. 

You do not have to ask your date to come to the refreshment stand or bathroom with you. There will be no obligation to buy expensive pictures, flowers, or chocolates for your date. Also, when going by yourself, you don't have to worry about you and a date wearing matching outfits.

You can feel free to wear whatever you want. It doesn’t have to be any certain style outfit. You can dress formal, tacky, exotic, or sleazy and you have no date to tell you otherwise! This can be a benefit to your pocket considering it may cost more to pre-order and package the matching formal wear. Wait! The process isn't done yet. It also has to be delivered. Did you forget that you and your date need a corsage and a boutonniere? Sounds exhausting, huh? 

Going to prom with a date can be delightful as well. It doesn't have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend. Most people get the wrong perception when they think of the word “date”. According to Logan Murray, prom and date go together like cookies and milk. 

You can go to dinner with your date before prom starts. This gives you some spare time to chat and get to know each other a bit better. You guys can let loose and laugh a little. If you like attention, going with a date would be better for you.  Your date is who you will be rolling with for the night.

 If you and your date plan on getting serious anytime soon, this could fix the awkwardness and create a more comfortable foundation between the two of you. You and your date will be able to spend lots of time together like going shopping for your outfit and accessories, getting your picture taken, and going to an after party or a movie. 

If you can’t handle being around one person for a long period of time, this is probably not for you. You won’t have to worry about not having someone to dance with. Your date will surely be down for some movin’ and groovin’!

As you can see, both going to prom with a date and with your friends has its’ benefits and disadvantages. When it all comes down to it, it’s whatever you prefer. If it were me, I would choose to go hangout my friends. I’m not really a committed person. I don’t like feeling like I owe my date something in return for him taking me out to dinner and buying me things for prom. 

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